Company Profile

The information on Fujiplus we provide here includes a corporate profile, our philosophy, and our history.

Company name
Fujiplus Inc.
October 1, 1923
89,000,000 yen
No. of employees
163 (Fujiplus Group total: 201)
Takeshi Ido, CEO & President
A broad range of useful services that help customers solve problems
(1) Printing and related services: Offset printing, digital printing, on-demand printing, color management (CMS), creative work, universal design
(2) Sales promotion support services: Sales promotions, DM solutions, sales promotion tools, novelty goods, etc.
(3) Internet-related services: Website construction/administration, EC-site construction/administration, creating e-books, optimizing websites for smartphones and tablets
Fujiplus One Inc., FUJIPLUS DA NANG, Trywork Hikone Inc.